
Weather, Auras, Khashoggi’s Last 5, and Studies

Weather: Landscape and sky as concept, not place. Ongoing.

Auras:dazzling brain spectacles associated with migraines, +/- pain.

Khashoggi’s Last 5 (Earphones for Everyone) painted as details were revealed of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

Snakeballs may occur in nature when snakes mate. These are depictions of governmental snakeballs.

Consider ambling in the woods — looking for something, maybe foraging. The eyes are attracted to colors, fragments of form and movement, and dodge about, alighting and re-alighting. This seeing is not a composed, steady flow but consists of bursts of sight, recalled and reassembled while walking or later in the mind, not at all ordered by narrative or logic. And there may be other senses at play — perhaps a meal after the foraging?

In art our senses delight, sharpen, and find relief. In seeing something in a painting that we know — for example: moss — we recognize a part of this beautiful world that we long to gaze at, in this case through someone else’s eyes.

Many of these images take off from the appearance of the Graphis scripta lichen which has a pattern of growth that resembles human writing.