Sangoma and European tradesman
Watercolor, diptych, 2 x 14" x 20".
We whites did this.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Uprootings, beatings, and terror are our modus operandi.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
We do this by government and wars.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Whites beat whites and non-whites. This is unfinished business.
Watercolor, 22” x 30”
This isn't ending. It’s futile to be a midwife to this white man pregnant with his own death.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Watercolor, gouache, and graphite, 20" x 30"
Oh no, he is still alive?! This isn't ending! SOS! ! But to whom?
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Detail, python
Detail, face of a wild cat
Detail, snakeball
Detail, face of a guardian
Detail. aura
Detail, belly of felled white man
Sangoma and European tradesman
Watercolor, diptych, 2 x 14" x 20".
We whites did this.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Uprootings, beatings, and terror are our modus operandi.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
We do this by government and wars.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Whites beat whites and non-whites. This is unfinished business.
Watercolor, 22” x 30”
This isn't ending. It’s futile to be a midwife to this white man pregnant with his own death.
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Watercolor, gouache, and graphite, 20" x 30"
Oh no, he is still alive?! This isn't ending! SOS! ! But to whom?
Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Detail, python
Detail, face of a wild cat
Detail, snakeball
Detail, face of a guardian
Detail. aura
Detail, belly of felled white man